Sql Server 2005 Enterprise Edition Free Download Full Version Xp
May 6, 2011 - Other wise I'd suggest you download the Express Edition (which is probably what academic institutions mostly use - cause its free).
Good one Jim! Is this headed for one of those 'It depends on what your definition of 'is' is.' I should know better on a site full of DB folks;-) I was thinking free to deploy, as in no SQL Server licensing required once set out into the wild, but thanks for reminding me that the whole world does not have 'free' access to all the nice things offered by an MSDN subscription. I tend to forget that sometimes because I have been blessed with employers that have seen the value in them so have had access to a license the majority of the last 10 years:-D __________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community. You can't post new topics. You can't post topic replies. You can't post new polls.
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Hi Guys, I have been reading some posts about how a client OS, i.e, Vista, does not support SQL Server 2005 Enterprise edition. I am wondering if I can load Windows Server 2003 or greater onto my personal computer and then load SQL Server 2005 Enterprise?
I know I could use the Developer edition, but I really want to learn as much as possible about SQL Server 2005 Ent. Also, if I load Windows Server 2003 or > onto my personal computer, will I be able to alternate between Vista and Windows Server 2003 or >? Basically, am I going to significantly hinder the performance of my computer if I install both Windows Server 2003 or >, or should I buy another cheap PC and load the Windows Server 2003 or > on the cheap PC to act as the server and physcially connect my personal computer to the 'server'? The reason why I want to do all of this is because I am looking to develop a message board on the web to learn.