Free Download Installation Netware 312 Programs
LIEBING Research Engineer Systems Research Department 01 May 1996 NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows features an improved installation process, including both DOS-based and Windows-based installation programs. This AppNote provides an overview of the NetWare Client 32 Windows-based installation. It also lists the changes that the installation program makes to the workstation's configuration files and Windows support files. • • • • • Introduction NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows features an improved installation process, including both DOS-based (INSTALL.EXE) and Windows 3.1x-based (SETUP.EXE) installation programs.
This AppNote provides an overview of installing NetWare Client 32. It also lists the changes that the installation program makes to the workstation's AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, STARTNET.BAT, NET.CFG, and Windows support files. Installing NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows You can install NetWare Client 32 from either the DOS prompt (using the INSTALL.EXE program) or from within Windows (using the SETUP.EXE program). There are minor differences between the two programs. The explanation in this AppNote will focus on the Windows installation process; the differences in the DOS version are covered later in the AppNote.
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Before you install the Client 32 software, ensure that your workstations meet the following hardware and software requirements: • A 386 processor or higher • MS DOS 5.x or PC DOS 5.x or above • Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (optional) • A VGA or better graphics board and monitor • A minimum of 4MB of memory (plan on at least 8MB if you runWindows) • An XMS memory manager (HIMEM.SYS or equivalent) Note: This AppNote covers how to install NetWare Client 32 onworkstations running Windows 3.1. If you are runningWindows for Workgroups 3.11, see the README file thatcomes with the Client 32 software for setup requirements. Propisi dlya doshkoljnikov bukvi o. Obtaining the NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows Software The NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows software is available for downloading from Novell's NetWire home page on the World Wide Web (WWW), and from NetWire on CompuServe. From the NetWire WWW Home Page. As of April 20, 1996, you can find the NetWare Client 32 for DOS and Windows 3.1x software on the World Wide Web as follows (as always, this is subject to change at any time).
Set your Web browser to to access the Novell NetWire home page. Then click on What's New (see Figure 1). Figure 1: The NetWire home page on the World Wide Web. On the What's New page, click on the line that says 'Download Novell's 32-bit Client for Windows 95.' This brings you to index.htm, where you should see the heading NetWare Client 32 with the following two selections: BETA NetWare Client 32 for DOS and Windows 3.1x BETA NetWare Client 32 for Windows 95 Click on NetWare Client 32 for DOS and Windows 3.1x to go to the NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Win home page (see Figure 2). Figure 2: The NetWare Client 32 for DOS/Windows home page. From there, click on FILE UPDATES.